CODE Inc Jamestown NY low income housing Winsor Street 2nd Street Townhouses
Citizen's Opportunity for Development & Equality, Inc. (CODE, Inc.) is a private, not for profit, Neighborhood Preservation Company.
CODE. was incorporated on May 5, 1981. CODE has an active seven member Board of Directors. More than 50% of the Board are neighborhood residents.
In addition to maintaining 153 clean, safe, and affordable housing units, CODE administers grant programs that help promote home-ownership within Chautauqua County.

CODE, INC.'s Mission
CODE's mission is to promote revitalization and economic development activities in Western NY.
CODE achieves this by cleaning, repairing and/or renovating as many sub-standard and or historically significant properties as possible.
In achieving this objective, CODE is able to provide safe, clean, affordable housing for low- moderate income families, the elderly, the disabled and others.
This activity increases the property values of other homes and businesses. Economic development, creates jobs, reduces crime, and improves educational environments for children and the overall quality of life for all area residents.